Hummer WG is a soluble granule containing 80% potassium humate,
equivalent to 53% Humic and 12% Fulvic acids, extracted from Leonardite.
Hummer WG is a natural humic conditioner, obtained from American Leonardite, when applied to the soil, improves the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil. Hummer WG also increases the availability of nutrients for crop use as well as the assimilation throughout the plant for efficient plant metabolism.
Humic substances improve soil structure while increasing cation exchange capacity of the soil. Therefore, this leads to the development of an improved root system of the plant.
The advantages of Hummer WG include:
Hummer WG is high-grade material with a high loading of humic content.
The Hummer WG Solubility is 10 Kg in 100 L of water making it an ideal product for water injection or mixing with solid or soluble fertilizers and applied in furrow with basal fertilizer.
Hummer WG can also be applied through trickle or tape irrigation.
Hummer WG is available in a 20 Kg carton containing 4 x 5 kg foil bags, which keeps the product fresh and easy to measure and use.
Use rates per hectare are low (1 – 15 Kg) due to the high level of humic available.
Hummer® is a trademark of Agspec Australia Pty Ltd.